Insomnia (itch) (Ty, Inaj) Mac OS

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  5. Insomnia (itchy Minaj) Mac Os 8

Duke University scientists find women need more sleep than men

Researchers have recently discovered that lack of sleep can be more physically damaging to women than to men. Scientists at Duke University conducted a study tracking 210 middle aged men and women who were never diagnosed with a sleeping disorder. Participants in the study did not use any medications, including hormone replacement therapy, and all participants were non-smokers.
The Basis Of The Study

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Participants that met the above criteria were tracked by two methods. They were asked to record their sleeping habits and how they felt each morning after waking up and they provided blood samples so specific biomarkers could be tracked.
What the study found was that over 40 percent of people who normally did not think that they had a sleeping problem actually did. These 'problems' were classified as having trouble falling asleep each night and frequently waking. Of this group, a majority of the people who had these problems were women.
Poor Sleep Can Harm Women
Women who recorded poor sleeping habits reported more emotional turmoil in their lives, frequently had bouts of depression, and believed that they became angry too often. Amazingly, men who had poor sleeping habits did not report the same type of issues.
Physically, women also had significant changes in their blood chemistry when they were sleep deprived. Large amounts of c-reactive proteins were found in women with poor sleep. In fact, 33 percent of the women with poor sleep habits in the study had such high levels of c-reactive protein in their system that they were at high risk for heart disease.

Insomnia (itchy Minaj) Mac Os Wallpaper

Additionally, these same women had higher levels of insulin in their blood. These high levels, over time, can lead to insulin resistance and Type II diabetes.
Further research is taking place at this time to discover why poor sleep impacts women differently than men. Scientists theorize that this may be due to certain hormone or amino acid levels in the body which vary greatly between the sexes.
For optimal health, women should try for a minimum of seven hours a sleep a night, with nine hours being the perfect amount.
  • On-iPhone Development Environment
    • Getting Shell Access
    • Fixing What's Broken

Often, for some of the trickier packages to build (like Emacs or mostPython-based programs), it is easier to have a development environmenton the device than to deal with a cross-compiler. The method I outlinehere is one way to get one. It takes up room, and it's outdated, butit works for almost anything you'd want to do, if you put up with it.

Drop it! mac os. If you want to install any of the ports on this website,the best way to do that is through my Cydia repo. You donot need this development environment for those packages.

I'm not going to pretend that this is the best way to do this. Ideveloped this method by changing the one I used for OS 1.0 a littleat a time when a new OS came out. It's a bit of a hack right now, butit works. I point out where I think an improvement could be made.

I'm going to assume you have a freshly jailbroken iPhone or iPad. Feelfree to skip steps if you think you can.

I've tried to write this as accurately as possible, but errors dohappen. Feel free to contact me to work things out. Worst casescenario? You have to do a full restore of your device, which isannoying but not hard. Be sure to have backups, but it shouldn't cometo that!

(Also, standard disclaimer: I claim no responsibility if somehow youmake your device blow up, or otherwise fail, while using this guide.)

For this guide, I'm going to assume at least passing familiarity withthe unix shell. After all, you're here for a development environment!Above that, I'll try to explain what I feel is needed to continue.

Finally, this guide was written for iOS 3.2 on the iPad. It shouldn'tbe significantly different for similar versions on both the iPhone andiPad, though. Particularly, it seems to still work on a jailbrokeniPad running iOS 4.2.1.

Special thanks must go to Børre Ludvigsen, who patiently workedthrough this guide on his own and helped me iron out most of thebigger issues.

Let's get started!

Getting Shell Access

More than likely, since you're here at all, you've already donethis. It's included here for completeness. Feel free to skip ahead!

If you've just jailbroken, install the OpenSSH package. Also,installing the OpenSSH reconnect helper and Insomnia is a goodidea. The helper will reconnect you automatically if you lose yourshell connection, and Insomnia keeps that from happening atall. Nothing is more annoying that having to fidget with your devicejust to keep the Wifi up!

You will also need to install 'APT 0.7 Strict' and 'Core Utilities'from Cydia. The first will let us easily install Cydia packages fromthe command line, which is a lot more convenient, and the second ishandy for working on the command line.

Insomnia (itch) (Ty, Inaj) Mac OS

SSH in to your device with the username root and the passwordalpine. We're going to change this now, for security, and then we'llgive the user mobile a password so we can log in without being root.

Getting an Editor

How to win at casino craps. Right now we have no way of editing files. For now, I recommendinstalling nano. It's lightweight and easy to wrap your headaround. If you've never used it before, look around the web for aGNU nano tutorial. If nanos not your thing, you could also installvim or even emacs (though for emacs, you need my Cydia repository).

(Note: I usually run nano as nano -w, which keeps nano fromautomatically wrapping lines, which can ruin most configuration files.)

Setting Up sudo

Working as root is bad, very bad. I've accidentaly deleted my /usronce, bricking my iPad. However, it gets annoying to have to su intoroot every time you want to install something. So let's installsudo!

Now we need to edit the sudoers file to make sudo useful. We set theEDITOR environment variable to keep visudo from complaining thatvi isn't there. If you'le using vim, you can leave it out.

Right below the line that says 'root ALL=(ALL) ALL', write thesimilar line 'mobile ALL=(ALL) ALL', then save and exit.

(Note: when you run sudo as mobile, it will ask you for apassword sometimes. This is mobiles password, not roots.)

Logging In as mobile

Before we continue, we're going to drop our superuser privelege. Logout and log back in as mobile. As a test, make sure sudo is workingfine. It'll give you a nice scary administration notice when you runit the first time, as a bonus!

The last line saying root is the key: it means sudo is set up rightand correctly giving you root access.

Installing GCC and Friends

Finally, we get to the fun part. First off, let's install somegeneral utilities for our development environment:

Some explanation: ldid modifies programs to fake iPhone OS intorunning them like official binaries. make is the standard GNU buildtool. We'll use wget to fetch tarballs from the internet right inthe terminal, and then patch to patch them. Autotools, which justabout every package uses, needs gawk to run.

Next, we're going to install gcc itself, but if we just go and doit, we'll run into a problem with the libgcc offered on Telesphoreo:it refuses to install, because it breaks the system. Instead, we'llinstall the dummy package found here, and trick APTinto thinking it's already installed.

Now we're prepared to install gcc and some development headers. Notethat these headers are compatibility headers, meant to ease thetransition from iOS 1.0 to 2.0. That is, they are old. I only trustthem for the standard POSIX headers, and even for that they fail insome parts. This is one place that could probably be improved: moreon that later.

If you're anything like me, you'll be itching to write a little'Hello, world!' program right now and try out your shiny newgcc. Well, you'd be dissappointed. These packages are so old thatthey need fixing first.

Fixing What's Broken


Unfortunately, you have some downloading to do. Go fetch the iPhoneDeveloper SDK. Once you have it, on a Mac, simply installit. If you're not on a Mac, you'll need an archive tool that readsDMGs and Mac packages. I know that 7zip works well on Windows, andprobably works fine through Wine on other systems.

We'll be looking in the iPhoneOS3.2.sdk directory, but by all meanschange this version number if you need to. On a Mac with the installedofficial SDK, this is at'/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.2.sdk'.If you're using 7zip, open the Xcode DMG, then the 5.hfs partition,which will take a while. Then, open up'iPhoneSDK/Packages/iPhoneSDKHeadersAndLibs.pkg' for the most recentversion, or './iPhoneSDKXXX.pkg' for a different version. Insidethat package, open Payload, then Payload~, then '.'. Thedirectory we are looking for is then at'Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.2.sdk'.

We need to copy libraries from the official SDK on to thedevice. scp works really well, if you have it: it transfers filesover SSH. However, anything that gets files from your computer to yourdevice will work.

(Note for the interested: iPhoneOS is missing libraries to linkagainst, so we'll be copying them over. Later on, we'll be editingsystem headers. Also, none of the frameworks on the device come withheaders, so you'll need to copy those over as you need them. It occursto me that we might be able to just copy over the entire officialSDK, and skip doing this by hand. It might work, but I haven't triedit. For now, I just copy over whatever's missing as I run into it. Iwould like to look into this, though.)

In the directory iPhoneOS3.2.sdk/usr/lib, you will find thefollowing files:

We need to copy these files to mobiles home directory,/var/mobile, on the device. Once there, reopen your shell on yourdevice and move them to /usr/lib:

We also need to reconstruct a few symlinks:


We also need to copy over some key C++ headers. IniPhoneOS3.2.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.0.0/arm-apple-darwin9, there is adirectory named bits. Copy that directory and all it contains toyour device, then install it:

Manual Header Modifications

Not only are there critical system libraries missing, but some of theheaders are just plain wrong, too. It seems that somewhere along theline, iPhone OS moved from a 32 bit inode to a 64 bit inode, so thereare a lot of structures defined in these headers that have the wrong size.

(Note for the interested: Beleive me when I say that hunting downbugs in system headers is a nightmare. Just keep in mind, if youseem to be getting random segfaults for no reason, or some extremelysubtle bug that has no reason to exist, it's probably a system headererror I haven't found yet! Compare the given headers with the onesfrom Apple, with __DARWIN_64_BIT_INO_T defined.)

First off, we're going to edit'/private/var/include/sys/stat.h'. Make sure to edit with sudo, soyou have write permissions! In struct stat, remove the line that says:

Between the entries for st_nlink and st_uid, add this line:

After the entry for st_ctimespec, add this line:

Finally, after the entries for st_ctime and st_ctimensec, add these lines:

We're also going to edit '/private/var/include/sys/dirent.h'. First,we're going to change the definition of __DARWIN_MAXNAMLEN:

In the definition of struct dirent, remove the line at the top that says

In its place, write in:

Between the entries for d_reclen and d_type, write in:

Finally, between the entries for d_type and d_name, remove theline that says: Tech art: project1 - interactive car mac os.

That's it!

Minor Details

Some configure scripts and Makefiles (like Emacs's) looks for the Ccompiler under cc, which is supposed to exist on standardsetups. Since we emphatically don't have a standard setup, we haveto make a link.

Insomnia (itchy Minaj) Mac Os Pro

Apparently sometimes the GCC you get won't search /var/include,which is where all the standard C headers are located. To fix this,add the following lines to ~/.profile:

Make sure to log out and log back in for these changes to take effect.

Testing your GCC

Insomnia (itchy Minaj) Mac Os Download

If you feel so inclined, now would be the time to test out your buildenvironment. GCC works exactly as it does on Mac OS X, that is,exactly like on other systems, but with added options for linking withframeworks. Keep in mind, you may need to sign your programs beforethey'll run. I have found that I don't, but you may need to. If yourprogram crashes for no reason when you start it, you need to run

There's some way to change the system so you don't ever need to dothis, but last I heard there were some long-term side-effects.

You're Done!


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